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Sunday 21 July 2013

*Malay Tradition*

*Malay Traditional Food*

 Hi guys.This week I wanna share about Malay traditional  food.There are many Malay traditional food such as rendang, lontong, nasi lemak and so on. But now I want to explain more details about nasi lemak, jala mas and bahulu or baulu.. Nasi lemak is the favorite food in Malaysia , Indonesia and Singapore . Nasi lemak is often provided in the morning.Not only In the morning but in the afternoon and at night also. Nasi lemak refers to rice cooked with coconut milk, to add in the flavor. Pandan leaves also added sometimes to gives aroma to the rice.Nasi lemak is usually served with boiled egg,cucumber,fried anchovies and 'sambal',but now we can served it with different types of dishes such as chicken,beef,squid,shrimp and so on.Here is the picture of nasi lemak and the recipe:-


Nasi Lemak

3 cups long grain rice

1 1/2 cups coconut milk

2 tsp cooking oil (to prevent the rice from sticking together)

1 1/2 water

1 in ginger, sliced thinly

1 red onion, sliced thinly

1 pc/knot pandan leaf

1 stick lemongrass, smashed 

Salt to taste


5 boiled eggs (cut into half)

1 cucumber, sliced round

150 g medium-sized anchovies, deep-fried till golden brown and crunchy

150 g peanuts (roasted)

10 salted fish (ikan sepat masin)

banana leaf

Sambal Tumis

100 g dried chillies, soaked in water, boiled and blended

60 g shallots, blended

30 g garlic, blended

30 g dried shrimp paste (belachan), baked or roasted about 15 minutes

50 ml tamarind juice (mixed with water)

100 g medium-sized anchovies, peeled

100 g red onions, sliced

Salt and sugar to taste


Nasi Lemak

Wash rice in cold water and drain. Soak in coconut milk for 10 minutes.

Pour 2 tsp of oil in the rice cooker, add the rice and let the oil coat the rice.

Now add water.

Add sliced ginger and red onions. Then add pandan leaf and lemongrass.

Cook rice in rice cooker until soft for about 30 minutes.

Sambal Tumis

Take out all seeds from the dried chillies so that the sambal will not be too hot.

Then boil and blend the chillies.

Then add chillies, shallots, garlic and belacan in some water (just enough to cover the ingredients) into the blender and grind till fine.

Put some oil into a stock pot, add the chilli mixture and stir well till it changes colour.

Add tamarind juice. Cook until the chilli mixture turns a little dark red. Do not overcook as the mixture will turn darker and darker. Then add anchovies and red onions.

Lastly, add salt and sugar to taste.

Alright,now we move on to Kuih jala mas.It is a traditional Malay cakes famous on the east coast especially in Kelantan and Terengganu . Kuih jala mas is served as a dessert .Kuih jala mas making process is complicated and the cost is expensive.

Here I put the recipe for Jala Mas:-

15 duck eggs
600 gms sugar
2 tumblers water
1 screwpine leaf

1.Boil the sugar and water until the sugar dissolves.Add the screwpine leaves.

2.Stir in the egg yolks and pour into a mould. Slowly shake the mould so that the yolks sink in the sugar syrup.

3.The yolk will now appear like strands.Using a thin stick or skewer,join these strands so that they will form a net.

4.Sieve and cool.

Now we move on to the last Malay traditional food that we want to shared you guys.Kuih bahulu or baulu also one of the popular Malay traditional food especially at the feast and crowd places.There are 3 types of bahulu such as bahulu lapis,bahulu gulung and bahulu cermai.The making of this bahulu is very simple.Bahulu is available in all states and easily found in supermarkets.

Bahulu Lapis

Bahulu Gulung

Bahulu Cermai

This little cake comes in many different shapes and sizes.


5 eggs
130 gram sugar
140 gram cake flour
10 gram custard powder or cornflour
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp essence vanilla
1 tsp lemon zest
3 tbsp of melted butter

1. Sift flour and baking powder and set it aside. Whisk eggs and sugar until white and stiff.
2. Add in vanilla and lemon zest. Turn down the speed of your mixer and slowly add in the flour. Mix until combined. Fold in the melted butter and mix well.
3. Pre-heat oven to 400 degree F and warm up the bahulu mould for 5 minutes. Take it out and brush it with some oil or spray on some non-stick spray.
4. Put about 1 tsp of batter into the mould, bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
5. Remove the cakes, and repeat step 4 again until the batter is finish.

Hope you enjoy with this entry....Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak :)

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