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Sunday 21 July 2013

Malay Traditional Games

Malaysian’s strong sense of community is reflected in many of their traditional games and pastimes. These activities are still played by local children on cool afternoon and are also a communal activity during festivities. Below are some example of traditional games for Malay.

First is Sepak takraw. Sepak takraw also be known as Sepak raga. It is traditional ball game in which a ball made by weaving strips of bamboo is passed about using any part of the body except the lower arms and hands. There are two main types of sepak takraw that is sepak takraw bulatan(circle) and jarring(net). Sepak raga bulatan is the original form in which players form a circle and try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. Sepak takraw jaring is the modern version in which the ball passed across a court over a high net.
Sepak Takraw Ball

Wau is one of Malay traditional games. It is a traditional kite that is especially popular in the state of Kelantan, on the East Coast of Malaysia. Traditionally flown after the rice harvest season, these giant kites are often as big as a man – measuring about 3.5 meters from head to tail. It is called wau because its shape is similar to the Arabic letter that is pronounced as ‘wow’. With vibrant colours and patterns based on local floral and fauna, these kites are truly splendid sights.
Wau Bulan

Next is congkak, game of mathematics played by womenfolk in ancient times that only required dug out holes in the earth and tamarind seeds. Today, it is an oval solid wood block with two rows of five, seven, or nine holes and two large holes at both ends called “home”. Congkak, played with shells, marbles, pebbles or tamarind seeds. It requires two players at a time. 

*Malay Tradition*

 (: Malay Woman Traditional Clothes :)

Okay enough with men's attire,lets get going to woman's attire now...Woman has many types of Baju Kurung such as Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga/Baju Kurung Johor,Baju Kurung Cekak Musang,Baju Kurung Kedah,Baju Kurung Melaka and Baju Kurung Pahang.

Baju Kurung is the Malay traditional costume for women. It became the official dress for Malaysia and Brunei, can also be found in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.There are two types of Baju Kurung which is Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga and Cekak Musang. This is suitable to be worn by all kind of age. Baju Kurung is also used to attend the wedding ceremony, religious ceremony, and formal occasions. In Malaysia, all women generally wear baju kurung as traditional clothing including formal wear primary and secondary school students. Only designs and cuts are different.
Now there is a wide variation of baju kurung and it is known as the Modern Baju Kurung .
Although the baju kurung has evolved in line with changing times and tastes of the wearer, but the designs are still the same. It's well-equipped and well worn shows the sweet girl appeared courtesy of Eastern and Malay cultural superiority.

The first type of baju kurung is:-

Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga

Late sultan fix that girl should be below the knee length with fine linen and no pocket.. There are various forms of embroidery that matched the neck like a mata lalat, tulang belut dan insang pari. Today, the Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga become synonymous with the traditional clothes standards. It imposes fabric stacked on the left.

Baju Kurung Cekak Musang
Baju Kurung Cekak Musang is the same as the Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga except for the neck.There is collar for this baju kurung.The Collar is only one finger width and vertical position.This cutting is  believed to have received influence from India and China.

Baju Kurung Kedah

Baju Kurung Kedah is believed to have originated from southern Thailand, because the shirt resembles a short blouse made it ​​short reaches its butt in southern Thailand. Baju Kurung Kedah consisting of a loose and made ​​of chintz (cotton) a small flower or thick or thin gauze rare and betel oval neck incision. Baju Kurung Kedah and sarong is worn together.It can be characterized as daily wear.

Baju Kurung Melaka
The traditional clothes in Melaka is detailed with beads and sequins.

Baju Kurung Pahang
Baju Kurung Pahang or else known as Baju Kurung Riau Pahang reveal historical relationship between Riau and Pahang state.Although Riau and Pahang are two states away, political and social-cultural relations that prevailed during the time of the Malacca Sultanate was evident with the creation of this costume pieces, also known as the Baju Kebaya Turkey.Unlike other pesak clothes, both sides Baju Kurung Riau Pahang connected wider.

There is so many types of Baju Kurung so now lets move on to Baju Kebaya...

Kebaya is a traditional blouse-dress combination that originates from Indonesia and worn by women in IndonesiaMalaysia, BruneiBurma,Singaporesouthern Thailand, and the Southern part of the Philippines. It is sometimes made from sheer material such as silk, thin cotton or semi-transparent nylon or polyester, adorned with brocade or floral pattern embroidery. Kebaya usually worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikatsongket with a colorful motif.

This entry is way longer...That is why I make it for 2 entry...Hope you guys find it helpful to read about malay tradition...Assalamualaikum... :)

*Malay Tradition*

(: Malay Traditional Clothes :)

Assalamualaikum my fellow friends and whoever read this entry...For this entry,as stated in the title,today i'm gonna give you an explanation about malay traditional clothes..
Alright,the first one is for the male..Baju melayu is the traditional attire for male. Baju Melayu is divided into two parts, clothing (long sleeve shirt) and trousers pair with  'sampin' and 'songkok'.Baju melayu is divided in to two parts of neck line which is 'Teluk Belanga' and 'Cekak Musang'.It is usually worn as everyday clothing, especially for prayer at mosque,to the office,formal occasions, and as custom clothing.

The first type of Baju Melayu is Baju Melayu Teluk Belanga.
Example for the 'Teluk Belanga' type...

Baju melayu Teluk Belanga was first introduced during the rule of Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar,when the late firm in Teluk Belanga Singapura and moved to Tanjung Puteri in 1988(now known as Johor Bharu).The late Sultan set that  men's shirts up below hips length with a lined neck width and with two pockets.

Example for the Baju Melayu Cekak Musang

The method of wearing both of them is different..Teluk Belanga usually the 'sampin' is worn inside the Baju Melayu and Cekak Musang is worn with the sampin is worn outside the Baju Melayu...

*stay tuned for another entry for woman attire.. :)

*Malay Tradition*

*Malay Traditional Food*

 Hi guys.This week I wanna share about Malay traditional  food.There are many Malay traditional food such as rendang, lontong, nasi lemak and so on. But now I want to explain more details about nasi lemak, jala mas and bahulu or baulu.. Nasi lemak is the favorite food in Malaysia , Indonesia and Singapore . Nasi lemak is often provided in the morning.Not only In the morning but in the afternoon and at night also. Nasi lemak refers to rice cooked with coconut milk, to add in the flavor. Pandan leaves also added sometimes to gives aroma to the rice.Nasi lemak is usually served with boiled egg,cucumber,fried anchovies and 'sambal',but now we can served it with different types of dishes such as chicken,beef,squid,shrimp and so on.Here is the picture of nasi lemak and the recipe:-


Nasi Lemak

3 cups long grain rice

1 1/2 cups coconut milk

2 tsp cooking oil (to prevent the rice from sticking together)

1 1/2 water

1 in ginger, sliced thinly

1 red onion, sliced thinly

1 pc/knot pandan leaf

1 stick lemongrass, smashed 

Salt to taste


5 boiled eggs (cut into half)

1 cucumber, sliced round

150 g medium-sized anchovies, deep-fried till golden brown and crunchy

150 g peanuts (roasted)

10 salted fish (ikan sepat masin)

banana leaf

Sambal Tumis

100 g dried chillies, soaked in water, boiled and blended

60 g shallots, blended

30 g garlic, blended

30 g dried shrimp paste (belachan), baked or roasted about 15 minutes

50 ml tamarind juice (mixed with water)

100 g medium-sized anchovies, peeled

100 g red onions, sliced

Salt and sugar to taste


Nasi Lemak

Wash rice in cold water and drain. Soak in coconut milk for 10 minutes.

Pour 2 tsp of oil in the rice cooker, add the rice and let the oil coat the rice.

Now add water.

Add sliced ginger and red onions. Then add pandan leaf and lemongrass.

Cook rice in rice cooker until soft for about 30 minutes.

Sambal Tumis

Take out all seeds from the dried chillies so that the sambal will not be too hot.

Then boil and blend the chillies.

Then add chillies, shallots, garlic and belacan in some water (just enough to cover the ingredients) into the blender and grind till fine.

Put some oil into a stock pot, add the chilli mixture and stir well till it changes colour.

Add tamarind juice. Cook until the chilli mixture turns a little dark red. Do not overcook as the mixture will turn darker and darker. Then add anchovies and red onions.

Lastly, add salt and sugar to taste.

Alright,now we move on to Kuih jala mas.It is a traditional Malay cakes famous on the east coast especially in Kelantan and Terengganu . Kuih jala mas is served as a dessert .Kuih jala mas making process is complicated and the cost is expensive.

Here I put the recipe for Jala Mas:-

15 duck eggs
600 gms sugar
2 tumblers water
1 screwpine leaf

1.Boil the sugar and water until the sugar dissolves.Add the screwpine leaves.

2.Stir in the egg yolks and pour into a mould. Slowly shake the mould so that the yolks sink in the sugar syrup.

3.The yolk will now appear like strands.Using a thin stick or skewer,join these strands so that they will form a net.

4.Sieve and cool.

Now we move on to the last Malay traditional food that we want to shared you guys.Kuih bahulu or baulu also one of the popular Malay traditional food especially at the feast and crowd places.There are 3 types of bahulu such as bahulu lapis,bahulu gulung and bahulu cermai.The making of this bahulu is very simple.Bahulu is available in all states and easily found in supermarkets.

Bahulu Lapis

Bahulu Gulung

Bahulu Cermai

This little cake comes in many different shapes and sizes.


5 eggs
130 gram sugar
140 gram cake flour
10 gram custard powder or cornflour
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp essence vanilla
1 tsp lemon zest
3 tbsp of melted butter

1. Sift flour and baking powder and set it aside. Whisk eggs and sugar until white and stiff.
2. Add in vanilla and lemon zest. Turn down the speed of your mixer and slowly add in the flour. Mix until combined. Fold in the melted butter and mix well.
3. Pre-heat oven to 400 degree F and warm up the bahulu mould for 5 minutes. Take it out and brush it with some oil or spray on some non-stick spray.
4. Put about 1 tsp of batter into the mould, bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
5. Remove the cakes, and repeat step 4 again until the batter is finish.

Hope you enjoy with this entry....Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak :)

Saturday 20 July 2013

* Malay Tradition *

Traditional Malay House
: cikQis :

Assalamualaikum friends. This entry special for all of you.
I hope you all entertained when reading this entry.


The Traditional Malay house is one of the richest components of Malaysia’s cultural heritage. Designed and built by the villagers themselves, it manifests the creative and aesthetic skills of the Malays. This is a near-perfect house form which is appropriate to local climatic conditions. It expresses the way of life of its inhabitants. The house is well designed to suit the Malaysia’s weather. It is also designed for many functional use of space and caters to the different needs of the users. It has an addition system which allows the house to be extended for the future due to the growing needs of the family.
When you travel through the country side, you will see a lot of Malaysian houses and villages. These villages are called "Kampongs" in Bahasa Malaysia. Notice that they are built with stilts below and they have large windows. This is mainly to keep the building cool and the stilts elevate the building to keep them away from floods.

Traditional house Sarawak. (RUMAH PANJANG)

Whereas peninsular Malays have single extended-family houses, many of the Borneo people built rumah panjang or 'long-houses' hosting many families, each in its own 'apartment' with a common wide veranda linking the front.

Traditional architectural forms, such as tropically-suited roofs and harmonious proportions with decorative elements are considered by traditionalists to still have relevance. However traditional buildings require significant maintenance compared to modern construction.

Using renewable natural materials including timber and bamboo, the dwellings are often built without the use of metal including nails. Instead pre-cut holes and grooves are used to fit the timber elements into one another, effectively making it a ‘prefabricated house’. In Sarawak and Sabah rattan ropes were used to fasten bamboo pieces together.

Although nails had been invented and in later houses used minimally for non-structural elements (for example, windows or panels), structural flexibility was a benefit which nailing inhibited. Without nails, a timber house could be dismantled and reconstructed in a new location.

  Traditional house Malacca

When we mention about Malacca, A Famosa, red building fully equipped Stadhuys clock tower, Fort St. John, the Malacca Sultanate relation to the mill and the Independence Memorial Pengiystiharan certainly be the choice for visitors while on holiday in this historic state.
But do we ever would have thought that there are other peculiarities in the state of Malacca? For example, Villa Sentosa which is a house located in Kampong Morten, who was the only Malay village situated in the heart of Malacca.
Built in the first quarter of the 20th century with a contemporary design style, the house was later used as a private museum by its owner, Dato Haji Hashim Haji Demang Abdul Ghani. Villa Sentosa was surrounded by traditional Malay houses are unique and decorated by a variety of landscapes and decorative colorful lights.

Traditional house Kelantan

In Kelantan there are 2 types of traditional Malay house is known as House and Home Single Pole 12. These houses consist of 12 main pillars in the mother house, 6 and 6 arches long pole. Long roof angle where the side walls are fitted with curtain screen. At the edge of the mast scenes there pemeleh or fascias boards of a mother and a pair pemeleh pemeleh porch.

Column 12 of the original house there are 3 unit building which houses the principal building containing Selasar space, home center and home kitchens. Building houses many central and room kitchen house or block.

Traditional house Kedah

Meleh board pattern on a waqf in Kulim, Kedah. It is arranged vertically on the bottom of the screen in the form of tibar sunrise. Series pole is custom columns. And serves as a key pillar erected before other columns. Direct Punch carvings found in traditional houses Cambodia Hill, Memorandum, Langkawi. Ladder with rungs system using mortise and nails made of round logs and core. The walls of woven bamboo with a simple and uncluttered.
               Carving patterns are also divided into several types, namely common pattern, perforation pattern and engraved. Motifs used in these patterns have some specific meaning and nothing to do with the spiritual. In Malaya, carving motifs are more likely to art appreciation based on Islamic principles and some are oriented plants, geometry and calligraphy.

Traditional house Terengganu (RUMAH LIMAS BUNGKUS)

Rumah Limas Bungkus is said to have originated from the Dutch and the British. This type of architecture was first introduced to the Riau Islands around the 17th century to the 19th. In the 19th century, it was built in the state.

Special features of this type of house are the use of a straight horizontal roof and four trunk ridges trickling down to the roof. These houses use decorative wall and casing type’s widow and decorated with sculptures. It is quite popular among the kings and nobles. In Terengganu, there are three castles that use this design the Palace and the Palace of Anjang Tengku Tengku Long in Besut and Kuala Terengganu Palace Pool.


J Actually, much more historically traditional houses.
But this is only just that I can afford.
Thanks for reading this entry. Salam Ramadan. J